Mr. Know-it-all can blow it all

“For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure”

Proverbs 11:14 (NIV)

In this verse, God is telling us to be humble enough to get advice. Other people can see things with a different twist. Or derive good suggestions based on varied life experiences. When making difficult decisions we need to seek the advice of good people that have biblical and moral values. Not just from those who we think are going to tell us what we want to hear.

I’m sure that LeBron James only listened to those who didn’t want to rub him the wrong way and told him just what they thought he wanted to hear. As a result his image was tarnished because how he released the big news of his decision to leave Cleveland. Not the fact that he left, but how he tactlessly did it. When I heard the interview my first thought was; “doesn’t this poor guy (a very wealthy one) have any friends that will shoot straight with him?”


Heavenly Father, show me how to use the ‘advisers’ in my life to make good decisions. Lord, be my biggest adviser and counsellor. Guide my heart and mind. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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