Pedal to the Metal

“whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease”

Proverbs 1:33 (NIV)

One day I was driving from college and it hit me that if I obey the traffic laws I can enjoy my long ride home much more. My usual mentality was to go as fast as possible and be constantly on the look out for the Highway Patrol. It was an undercurrent of stress. “Cop!…oh no. Did he see me? That was a close one…”

After my resolution to stay close to the speed limit, I could direct more attention to my thoughts, prayers, music or conversations (texting wasn’t an issue back in the late 70’s). I was ‘at ease’!


Heavenly Father, point out those areas in my life that I’m dabbling in wrongdoing. Thank You for the inner calm(‘ease’) that comes with doing right and walking with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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