Eternal Banking

“Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy”   Matthew 6:20 (NIV)

When we make decisions, use our time, or even do something for others, we seem to have the mindset of  “what’s in it for me?”.  It’s a common practice for a businessman to give away football tickets to a client to keep them using their services. Or for a mother to offer to babysit for a neighbor because she knows that next week she will need a sitter for her kids.

There’s nothing wrong with these practices. But the challenge is to do something for someone and give to others, expecting nothing from them in return. Do it  “just because”. This is what Jesus is talking about with ‘storing treasures in heaven’. If this “just because” motivation becomes a common practice, not only will we get rewarded in heaven, He also will impact our lives abundantly so that we can continue to do even more ‘storing’.


Heavenly Father, show me opportunities to store treasures. Help me to check the motives behind my actions. Continue to mold and change my self-centered heart. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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