
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled”  Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

There’s a difference between the attitude of  “I guess I should read my bible today and spend some time in prayer”. Verses, “I actually get the privilege of reading God’s words to me, and spending time impacting my life by talking to Him”. “I have to know God better today!”

A classic event that was recorded in the Old Testament, Genesis 32:24-32, helps us understand this ‘hunger’. Jacob wrestled with an angel of God for hours. The angel injured him terribly and told Jacob to let go and give up. Jacob’s response is awesome, and sheds great light on the today’s verse; “I will not let go until you bless me”. Though Jacob limped the rest of his life because of the injury, God did greatly bless him.


Heavenly Father, it’s not in me to create this ‘hunger’I’m asking You to give me that desire. Even when I don’t feel like it, please make me hunger, because I want Your blessing and I want to be ‘filled’ by You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

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