What’s in your Backpack?

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose”  Philippians 2:13 (NIV)

Being a principal of a Christian school gives me plenty of unique opportunities to help young men and women to think through how to make their faith practical. There was a boy who was constantly getting in trouble in several classrooms. He was sent to my office for some serious correction. When I talked to him I could tell there was more that needed done then a couple after school detention halls. I walked him through a clear explanation of how he could receive Christ into his life (see “Start the Victory” on victory247.org).

Well, the student understood the message and wanted to pray with me. I told him now that he have accepted Christ into his heart, he has an amazing source of strength he can tap in to any time of day. It’s like having a backpack that you can reach in to for strength, forgiveness, or direction.  I told the young man to be aware of that backpack, especially now that the teachers are upset with him for causing so much trouble in their classes. When he feels like being ornery, unzip that backpack of God’s power to change.

I asked a few students if they saw a change in him. They agreed that he is still a little disruptive at times, but he has been getting much better.


Heavenly Father, make me aware of the backpack of strength, forgiveness, and direction you have given me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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