It’s Super-kid-with-a-towel!

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me”  Psalm 28:7 (NIV)

I grew up watching the original Superman. I didn’t care that a pair of glasses distracted everyone from connecting the true identity of the world famous Superman, with “mild mannered newspaper reporter” Clark Kent.

I loved when Mr. Kent changed into that outfit accessorized with a cape, and branded with a large “S” in the front. That “S” wasn’t just a cool logo, it served as a shield against bullets(I didn’t care that bad guys only shot him in that “S”, why not aim at a shoulder or leg?… oh well). He transformed into a man of great strength that protected the city. When he toted those tights, I felt safe.

The show would end and little boys all across America, myself included, would wrap a towel around their necks and go into pretend mode. As I grew up I realized how far fetched this was. But it did give me a glimpse of how God can be my strength and my shield. In a sense, not only can we lean on God to help us, but spiritually we can put on that “outfit” of His power to live and protection from evil.


Heavenly Father, thank You for giving the Holy Spirit to indwell in me, so I can tap into that strength to live a fruitful life. Remind me to put on that “outfit” each day by acknowledging You in prayer, and asking You to live through me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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