Drip, drip, drip to success

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day”  2 Corintians 4:16 (NIV)

Our bodies are slowly getting older. I recall the youthful days of breaking out into an all out sprint to chase one of my buddies who may be playfully taunting me. If I did that today, not only would I pull something, I would be sore for a week.

In today’s verse, that slow process is compared to the opposite effects of how our inner spirit can develop and mature over time. Like a leaky faucet. My mother would slightly open the valves of all our faucets if she left the house for several days during the cold winter. That slow drip would keep the pipe from freezing in our century old house. But if the drain plug was down, I would be amazed how that tiny drip could fill a large sink over time.

Thinking of God’s principles spelled out in the bible, praying, helping others, and practicing His presence on a consistent daily basis will, over time, change us. “Fill our sinks”, if you will. And a continual communication with Him will also keep our hearts from “freezing up”.


Heavenly Father, though I don’t always see it, keep me tapping into You on a daily basis so that You can fulfill and complete me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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