Effort to pray the four “F”‘s

“Timothy, I thank God for you—the God I serve with a clear conscience, just as my ancestors did. Night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers”  2 Timothy 1:3 NLT

The writer of this letter, Paul, prayed for his best friend Timothy, every day. I know Paul spent more time talking to God than most of us (which could be part of the reason he got more out of life than most of us). Certain things seem to happen each time we pray for others; 1) God hears us and answers in His time.  2) We become a little less self-consumed and ‘me-centered’. 3) Our inner joy grows.

Pick some people this week to consistently pray for. Then watch what happens to you and them. Take one from each of the F‘s; Friend, Family, Fellow worker, and Foe (someone we don’t like or get along with. Maybe someone we need to forgive).


Heavenly Father, help me talk to You more and more for other people’s needs and concerns. Thank You for the fulfillment and joy that will follow. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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