The Cut List

“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”  Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)

It’s amazing how every person is unique. Today’s verse says that God created us with a certain body, pattern of thinking, emotional wiring, skills, and talents.

Our culture tries to convince us that we start reaching our full potential as a human if we make a lot of money, or perform as a top athlete. I personally know men who have a terrible quality of life, have few friends, offensive, and grumpy, but they still are convinced that they are better than someone who makes less money. They have learned how to make a wealthy living, but don’t know how to live. Both are possible, but not essential for a full life.

I once coached a 7th grade basketball team. Tryouts were taking place to pick the top 12 players. The other 14 kids who got cut felt like they were losers. Their esteem was shaken. Value is placed on athletic skill. I know that several of those “cut” young men are quality individuals, but feel less of a person then those who made the team.

It seems unfair, but there is only room for so many players. The blessing is that those “cut” guys can now have more time to find a niche in life that better fits them. Actually, making the team could stunt their growth.

We do the same thing. Failure can be God’s way of humbling us and redirecting us. One person defined success as; “going from failure to failure and not losing your enthusiasm”.


Heavenly Father, don’t let my culture define my value and worth. You see me as valuable. Help me to see through Your eyes what and who You want me to be. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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