Divine think times

“A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps” Proverbs 14:15 (NIV)

I grew up as a golfer. I spent enough time learning the game and practicing. I was very good. Now, what happens to good golfers is they are always asked for tips from the less competent players. I didn’t mind this most of the time, but when I’m concentrating in the middle of a round it can be a distraction.

One day I was playing with a very obnoxious young man who constantly badgered me throughout the round. On one of the holes I told him to set up in his stance, then proceeded to give him “tips” that he followed to a tee (no pun intended). The other players with us were confused as I adjusted his grip and swing, because I basically had him do everything wrong (he would have stood on one foot and screamed like a chicken during his follow-through if I would have said to). He hit his next drive straight sideways into a corn field. I can still picture the look on his face as the rest of our foursome hit the ground in laughter.

I have since asked forgiveness, but I learned from that experience. We tend to believe anyone who is successful at something. It happens all the time. I’ve seen many great athletes fail at coaching. I’ve heard wealthy men give poor business advice, and later find out they got rich marrying a woman who inherited her father’s company.

We need to have what I call, “Divine think times.” A time that is part prayer, and part thinking things though as we ask Him to guide our thoughts.


Heavenly Father, help me to be a good thinker. Give me good times alone with You to ponder relationships, decisions, direction, and especially on how to manage my day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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