Be a “found” Nemo

If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?  Matthew 18:12 (NIV)

Jesus is explaining about God’s “personalized love” for each one of us.

This parable reminds me of the popular movie Finding Nemo. It’s an animated story of a father fish that lost his son, Nemo.

The dad sets out to bring his son back to the safety of his caring home. He risks his life over and over. He was totally focused on his missing offspring. Because of his unfailing love, he was willing to die before he would give up his hunt!

Sometimes we feel like God is this impersonal deity in the sky that is too busy to be bothered. On the contrary! He not only cares, He also longs to come along side of us as we attempt to tackle our most intimate issues, desires and needs.


Heavenly Father, I want You to be my Lord and best friend. Thank You that you yearn to have me back when I stray. Remind me to let You in on my most intimate concerns, dreams and feelings. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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