Pray for your praying

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful”  Colossians 4:2 (NIV)

Prayer is basically talking with God. Interestingly, this verse doesn’t suggest that we merely try to pray.  Instead the word ‘devote’ is used.

I think of the word “devote” in many contexts. My wife is devoted to jogging. She makes sure she is on the treadmill or running the streets of our neighborhood five days a week. My son is devoted to basketball. He shoots about 4,000 practice shots a week in the off season. I know men who seem to be devoted to not being devoted to anything. And let’s not even talk about devoted fans (those of us who can be insane during certain games).

I have found that when God insists that we do something, He knows it’s critical for our own well-being.

I personally try to chat with and acknowledge God in spots during my busy day. I also suggest we have to a set time each day.

I use the acrostic “APPTS” (appointments) as my prayer outline to guide and round out my set times with God.

Admit- confess wrongs, ask Him to change me.  Praise- appreciate His reign, and that He renews me daily.  People- pray for friends, family, and to forgive those who offend me. Thanks- for my possessions, the people in my life, and my position in life.  Self- my dreams, desires, direction, diet.


Heavenly Father, I pray for my “prayer times”. Let me allow You to invade and bless my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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