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“What does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”  Micah 6:8 (NIV)

Sometimes we read the bible and have to read between the lines to try to figure out what He is saying to us. But today’s verse gets right to the point.

What does He want us to do and be? 1-Act justly; be fair, don’t cheat.   2-Love mercy; don’t have to “get even with” or “get back at” those who wrong us, let Him take care of it, and move on. 3-Walk humbly with our God; hang out with Him as we go through our day.

I remember taking walks with my toddlers when walking was new to them. They would take seven steps to my one. They got distracted so easily, but knew I was right there. They would find a rock or piece of glass, tread through the nearest available puddle, lose their balance veering off the edge of the road…

My favorite part of the walk was when they would tug on my pants, extend both arms, and proclaim the magic word; “up”. It’s like a humble acknowledgment that they need a break, “I’ve done my own thing, now I need a hug and a ride to where we are going”.

I loved those times. I wasn’t going anywhere in particular, I just wanted to walk with my child.

God longs to walk along side us. He will redirect us when we take a poor turn, pick us up when we trip, gently takes away sharp objects, steers us around the deep puddles…if we would merely humble ourselves to acknowledge His presence, assistance, and wisdom. And when we need a break, being humble enough to extend our arms to Him and say, “up”.


Heavenly Father, give me the strength to treat others right, and remind me to walk and talk humbly with You. Thank You that You want to direct me in life, and carry me when I need a break. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Stomach that doesn’t jiggle

“Though You have made me see troubles, many and bitter, You will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth You will again bring me up”  Psalm 71:20  (NIV)

A key to emotional health is the ability to forgive and start over. This encompasses two dimensions. We need to be willing to forgive others and be willing to ask others to forgive us.

Forgiving others many times involves getting past our anger or hurt. We shouldn’t have to sit there exposing ourselves to continual abuse, but we do need to ask God to give us the supernatural ability to genuinely forgive, then move ahead. Result; RESTORED inner and social health!

Asking others for their forgiveness takes God’s help also. We need to ask Him to give us the eyes to recognize when we have wronged someone. Then to be humble enough to admit to them specifically the offense, and not just say “sorry”. Instead, ask forgiveness for the exact thing we did or said. Result; RESTORED inner and social health!

But there is one overriding forgiveness that must precede. Experiencing God’s forgiveness has to be first and continual. It is a paramount, prerequisite, perfect, peace-giving, panoramic pardon (sorry, got preachin’ there). We must grasp that His love and concern for us is greater than our wrongdoings. He wants us to walk in His strength and direction, but knows we are inherently knuckleheads in nature. I am convinced that the greater offense in God’s economy isn’t the sin, it’s the thought that He won’t forgive the committed sin. If we do that enough times we will give up all together, and throw in the towel instead of confessing and moving ahead. He doesn’t expect perfection, He expects the attempt, while leaning on His strength, to be striving in the right direction. This entails continual “start overs”.

Overweight Comedian Kevin James said, “My fitness goals are different than most peoples. Most people want to lose enough weight so they look good in a bathing suit or they want to lower their cholesterol. I just want to lose enough so my stomach doesn’t jiggle when I brush my teeth. ”

Some of us may need to lower the expectation of pulling off a “mistakeless” existence. And understand that the expectation is just to join God in the process of going in the right direction, a little at a time.


Heavenly Father, give me the heart to be a forgiver. Give me the eyes to see when I need to ask forgiveness. Give me a healthy perspective of going in the right direction in my walk with You. Thank You for the inner and social blessings that will follow. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Undelivered cards

“You received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, Abba, Father”  Romans 8:15 (NIV)

In our school teachers’ meeting, one of the staff asked if she could mention a story that just happened.  She started out by saying she has been a little down lately and was thinking about her 4 year old granddaughter that passed away from cancer around one year ago. She then told us her son (the father of the little girl) was going through some items in a closet and a card fluttered down from a shelf. He looked to see that it was an undelivered birthday card that his little daughter hand-made for grandma before her death. It was a big picture of a spider. The staff person/grandmother shared with us that her granddaughter told her one time that she loved her so much that she wished she was a spider…because when she hugs grandma she wants eight arms. Two arms just aren’t enough!

It’s almost as if this grandmother, who is a woman of strong faith, was delivered a card from God through the little girl. I firmly believe that God will meet us in those down times if we cry out to Him to show us His love, understanding and care. “Abba Father” means daddy, intimate and deeply personal daddy. Ask, then look for those undelivered cards from God. He can use circumstances, other people, something we hear, read, or even thoughts that pop into our mind.


Heavenly Father, when I’m down, remind me to seek You even stronger. Give me those undelivered cards of Your show of care for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Mom, thanks for changing my diaper

“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?”  Luke 17:15-17 (NIV)

There were ten men who were healed by Jesus of a horrible, skin eating disease called leprosy. All ten were thrilled when they realized they were cured, but only one came back to thank Him.

I’m sure that Jesus didn’t heal these guys just for some strokes and a ‘thank you’. The important thing He seems to want us to get from this event is the importance of a thankful, unselfish heart.

When my own children were little kids, my wife and I never expected a ‘thank you’ when we gave them something. We took care of them irregardless of any ‘thank you’s’.  As they get older, I can see a maturity develop. When we hear ‘thanks dad for the ride’, or ‘thanks mom for the haircut’, it isn’t expected. But it is great to hear. Not because we need the affirmation, instead we are thrilled to see that they have developed the critical characteristic of appreciation.

I always get a kick out of the parents who drag their children up to another adult that did something for them, like a sleepover or prepared a meal, and throw out the line; “what do you say to Mr. Joseph?” Then I hear the ‘heart felt’, externally pressured response of, “thank you” (as the kids are looking either into the sky, at their own parent, or down at my feet).


Heavenly Father, ingrain in me an attitude of appreciation. Teach me to thank others, especially those I can take for granted. Help me to recognize the things You do for me, then to “come back” and truly thank You. I want to bless You with those words of gratitude that You long to hear from us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Windex my soul

“So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man”  Acts 24:16 (NIV)

The Apostle Paul was on trial before the authorities because he was falsely accused. People were bothered by his strong faith and his zeal to help others understand that God is loving, forgiving, and intimately interactive. Interestingly, the people most bothered were the “religious”. They liked having God in a box of rules of do’s and don’t’s.

Paul was inspired and called on God to spread the news that they can experience a personal relationship and interaction with their Heavenly Father through trusting Jesus(see “Start the Victory” atop victory247.org). Paul did what he knew was right. Paul said what he had to say. Paul attempted to walk and act the way he knew he should. Paul confessed his wrongs daily, then continued to do what he knew was right.

When we live this way, God gives us a ‘clear conscience’; – A clean feeling on the inside even when others may not like us. – A little voice that tells us when we are wrong so that we can merely confess it to God and proceed ahead toward our goals in life. – A clearness of thinking even when times are hard. – A secure feeling of being convinced that the God of the universe not only can take care of us, but that He truly is proud of us.

We are all on this quest to have a productive and successful life (not just talking financially). Our social and inner rewards are so much greater when our goal is to attempt, while leaning on God’s power, to please Him, admit our stupid mistakes, and help others. The goal of pleasing and manipulating people to feed our “wants” will deplete our souls and tarnish a clear conscience. The famous author and comedian  once stated; “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody”.


Heavenly Father, in the midst of all the confusion of living, please teach me to focus on pleasing You. Give the strength to walk with You even when I feel “unliked”. Help me avoid participating and saying the things that are expected by others, yet are wrong in Your eyes. Thank You for the blessings and clear conscience that only come from You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

What’s in your Backpack?

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose”  Philippians 2:13 (NIV)

Being a principal of a Christian school gave me plenty of unique opportunities to help young men and women to think through how to make their faith practical. There was a boy who was constantly getting in trouble in several classrooms. He was sent to my office for some serious correction. When I talked to him I could tell there was more that needed done then a couple after school detention halls. I walked him through a clear explanation of how he could receive Christ into his life (see “Start the Victory” on victory247.org).

Well, the student understood the message and wanted to pray with me. I told him now that he has accepted Christ into his heart, he has an amazing source of strength he can tap in to any time of day. It’s like having a backpack that you can reach in to for strength, forgiveness, or direction.  I told the young man to be aware of that backpack, especially now that the teachers are upset with him for causing so much trouble in their classes. When he feels like being ornery, unzip that backpack of God’s power to change.

I asked a few students if they saw a change in him. They agreed that he is still a little disruptive at times, but he has been getting much better.


Heavenly Father, make me aware of the backpack of strength, forgiveness, and direction you have given me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Hamster wheel

“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”  Luke 12:15 (NIV)

No matter how wealthy you are, there will always be someone richer. No matter how much shopping you do, there will always be something else we will desire. It’s like being on a hamster wheel. I always wondered if those little guys truly think they are going somewhere. I doubt if they are just doing a cardio workout.

We need to ask ourselves if we are on a hamster wheel that leads to nowhere. We then can miss out on the “inner-stuff”; joy, peace, character, social abilities… That’s probably why God warns us in today’s verse to ‘WATCH OUT‘. Then take the time to work on the things that truly matter, like relationships with others and a tight relationship with Him.


Heavenly Father, let me know when I’m on that hamster wheel. Continually remind me to take time to work on relationships, especially with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Eeyores Anonymous

“Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayer, and thank him for all he has done”    Philippians 4:6

This is a tough passage to accomplish, but a good one to work on. ‘Worry’ can consume us at times. I know people who feel that if they worry hard enough, it will help prevent something bad from happening. Worry can tie us in emotional knots. “Worry doesn’t help tomorrow’s troubles, but it does ruin today’s happiness”.

Feeling a rush of anxiety coming over us can be that reminder to hand the situation or issue over to God through prayer. He loves when we give Him our stresses and worries. It is an act that grows our faith and loosens those knots. Many try to find relief by other means like drinking, complaining, poor eating… These all give momentary relief, but are like trying to quench our thirst with salt water.


Heavenly Father, I give You my worries. Please build my faith as I continue to hand You more and more situations and issues. Thank You for Your divine relief and protection. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Expect the expected

“A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense”  Proverbs 19:11 (NIV)

We have heard the saying, “expect the unexpected”. That can be good, but I would like to also suggest that we “expect the expected”.

Sports coaches, players, and fans should expect that the refs will make at least a few bad calls. Spouses can’t be surprised when (not “if”) something is said that is hurtful. Parents shouldn’t go into shock when their teenager does something stupid. Friends need to be aware that they will get offended by selfishness. Teachers can’t be taken back when a student turns on them…

The key is to have a plan. There are times we need to let an offense slide by. There are times that offenses need to be addressed. But if we are ready (expecting, praying in advance and right after), our reactions to offenses can be much more productive. Offenses can actually help us develop our personal character and our “patience muscle”.

We can watch our reactions this week. Reactions are good indicators on how we are doing. It is worth it to use these hurtful moments to allow God to grow our character and patience. How we approach this can be a relationship builder, or a relationship killer.


Heavenly Father, give me Your strength to handle offenses. Use them to develop me. Prepare me to expect the expected, and to tap into You for my reactions. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Three point “Oasis” sermon

“God places the lonely in families; He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. But He makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land”  Psalm 68:6 (NLT)

This verse is a preachers dream because it breaks up into a clean “three point sermon”.

In “point one” the preacher would talk about the ‘lonely’, and how living self-sufficiently creates a separation from an inner-security that only comes from God’s Holy Spirit within. BUT GOD ‘places the lonely’ in a caring environment when we allow Him to empower us through continual requests for His strength. For His wisdom to direct us. Being God-sufficient as we move along.

Then the “second point” would cover how we tend to put ourselves in ‘prison’ through bad habits or striving mainly in life for self-satisfaction. BUT GOD ‘sets us free’ when we invite Him to come along side of us as we go through our daily routines. And ceaselessly pleading with Him to chisel away at those habits that gnaw at our inner-peace. Ceaselessly pleading with Him to help us reach out to others so to open the door for Him to meet our own needs.

“Point three” would be the clincher. Mr. Preacher hopefully would define ‘the rebellious’. We think back at our elementary school days and recall the “rebellious” kid that got in trouble on a daily basis. That’s not it. ‘Rebellious’ in this verse probably takes on a more subtle form. It’s more like seeing the self-sufficiency in “point one”, and the bad habits or selfish living in “point two”, then ignoring it.

But isn’t there a lot of people who could care less about walking with God, and they don’t seem to ‘live in a sun-scorched land’. On the contrary, they have the nicest cars, beautiful homes… This verse is talking about the insides of a person. I grew up in a wealthy family and trust me, it was ‘sun-scorched’ and Godless.

Not to say we can’t have both wealth and inner-fulfillment. Many men and women know how to make a living, but don’t know how to live.


Heavenly Father, show me how to live. Be my guide and my strength. Make my insides an oasis as I learn to allow You to daily walk with me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.