This really happened!

“Teach them to do everything I have commanded you. And remember that I am always with you until the end of time”

Matthew 28:20 (God’s Word Translation)

Leading up to these last words of Jesus recorded in the Book of Matthew, He went through a horrible time of torcher, mocking and an ugly crucifixion. They put Him in a cave-like tomb with a huge rock and guards to secure His removal from the people. His removal as the One that so many hoped in and followed. The removal of any chance that His claims of raising and returning would happen.

Think about it. The disciples saw how He was treated and ran, denied Him, hid and huddled together. I can imagine their conversations…”We are next, what do we do now?, we need to hide till the coast is clear then hightail it out of this region!”

These men went from being scared cowards to bold ambassadors, willing to even die for God, in a matter of days. Something had to have happened in that time frame. I personally am convinced that Jesus ‘beat death’, got out of that tomb, and called a meeting with these guys just like it is recorded here in Matthew.

In this meeting, He didn’t talk about a big revenge plan to go get those terrible people who brutally killed Him. Instead, He told the disciples to go ‘teach them’ all the stuff that they had learned from Him. AND that He will ‘ALWAYS’ be with them.


Lord Jesus, thank you that you ‘beat death’ for me. Come into my heart. Invade my life and help me to help others. Thank you that You are with me all day, every day. Amen.

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